Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ginger Pye

Ginger Pye written by Eleanor Estes is a delightful story about the Pye family. The family consists of father Pye who is a famous "bird" man, mother Pye who is the youngest mother in town, Jerry Pye who will grow up to be a "rock" man, Rachel Pye who will grow up to be like her father, Uncle Bennie who is only three years old, and an old cat named Gracie.

Jerry wants a dog really bad. He is determined to get one even if he has to earn the money for it. He discovers a pup over at the Speedy farm and gets permission from his parents to buy it. Jerry does not have the dollar to purchase it so Jerry, Rachel, and Uncle Bennie set out to earn the money.

Thanks to Sam, the kids dust the church, get their dollar, travel to the Speedy farm and purchase their pup. At the farm, on their way home, and at the lake the kids discover a mysterious person with a yellow hat following them. They never really see the person just the big yellow hat.

They named the pup "Ginger" because of the ginger-like color. Just think if the dog looked like an apple. It's name would be Apple Pye. Anyway, I thought that was funny.

On Thanksgiving Day, Ginger Pye showed up missing. Months went by as Rachel, Jerry, and literally the whole town looked for Ginger Pye.

The mystery was solved and Ginger Pye was found on Jerry's birthday. It wasn't until Rachel and Jerry got home from their excursion that they realized that Uncle Bennie was their hero. Although Ginger Pye was no longer a young pup, Ginger played with endless energy and enthusiasm.
AR SCORE: 100%

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