Wednesday, January 23, 2008

February Books I Hope To Read - 2008

The books I plan to start, complete, and/or purchase in the month of November have been listed below. The books that I am in the process of reading, wanting to start, and plan to purchase for future reading have been rightly notated on the list below with corresponding italicized words. Additionally, I typically have four books in the hopper (in the process of reading). These four books always fall in one of the following five categories: children's literature, personal (self-helpish type books), religious, professional development, and Miss Alainius. Although this journey may be a bit tiresome, I enjoy the adventure of learning.

February books are:

* The Control Freak by Les Parrott III, Ph.D. (P & PD)
* Improving Your Memory for Dummies by John B. Arden, Ph.D.
* Anxiety and Depression Workbook for Dummies by Charles H. Elliot, Ph.D. and Laura L. Smith, Ph.D. (P & PD)
* Tales From Solver Lands by Charles J. Finger (CL & Newberry Award)
* The man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton (MA)
* High-Maintenance Relationships by Les Parrott III, Ph.D. (PD & P)
* The Leadership Challenge by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner (completed several times but just need to post) - PD.
* The Book of John (in progress) - R.
* What's Worth Fighting for in Your School? by Michael Fullan and Andy Hargreaves(would like to start) - PD.
* Leadership and the One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard (would like to start) -PD

Books, intellectual conversations, and casual conversations all have an influence one one's thinking, actions, discussions. I look forward to the journey that lays ahead. Here's to the journey!

Calvary Chapel Distinctive

If you have ever attended a Calvary Chapel for any length of time (i.e. one time wonder, months, years, or decades) you may have sat back and pondered about how they make their decisions or what drives their decisions in relation to the church body. As I grow as a person, as a leader, and as a husband, I have become more aware of the reasoning behind my decisions/actions. Not so much whether they are right or wrong but what frames these decisions/actions. Calvary Chapel Distinctives written by Chuck Smith provides the reader with the framework and biblical support for the decisions/actions made at a Calvary Chapel.

Chuck Smith clearly indicates that all decisions made at Calvary Chapel are biblically based. Utilizing scripture, Chuck Smith shares with the reader what Calvary Chapel believes in-terms of governing the church, the empowering of the Holy Spirit, building a church, grace, the priority of God’s word, the centrality of Jesus Christ, the rapture of the church, the supremacy of love, and striking a biblical balance.

Pastor Chuck does an excellent job outlining the core beliefs of Calvary Chapel. This book provides the reader with the necessary information to gain a deeper understanding of how and why Calvary Chapel operates the way it does.

I recommend this book to those who are seeking a biblical church to attend and to those who attend Calvary Chapel and have always wondered why they do the things they do.

This was a book well worth reading. Although I have attended Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa off and on since the early 1980’s, I have never sought out why they do the things they do. After reading through Calvary Chapel Distinctives, it became clear to me why Calvary believes and conducts themselves the way they do. This book has encouraged me to look within myself to determine why I believe the way I believe. I have come to realize that some of my spiritual beliefs were not biblically based but rooted in unbiblical teachings. It is important to know why I believe what I believe and be able to support it with scripture. We, as Christians, are to study so we can have an answer for every man. I appreciate Pastor Chuck’s dedication to the Word of God and his passion to equip the saints. This book is worth the self-space on your bookshelf.