Saturday, September 27, 2008

Junie B., First Grader Toothless Wonder

Ms. Parks does it again. Her well known and well loved first grader, Junie B. Jones, has delighted our hearts and minds with a simple event we have all encountered at least once in our life.

Junie has been wiggling her tooth for days and it is on the verge of coming out. The first tooth is always the hardest. Its the unknown and fear can consume one's mind. Junie talks with her teacher, whom offers little comfort but praises her for being the first 1st grader to loose her tooth in his class. Junie's nemesis is jealous and makes a number of attempts to discredit this experience.

With the help of Junie's grandfather, the tooth comes out. She is scared, yet intrigued. This begins many questions and discussions about the tooth fairy, where to teeth go and why would a tooth fairy take your tooth and leave you money.

In the end, Junie puts the tooth under her pillow, gets some money and then discovers what the tooth fairy really does with a child's tooth. Sorry, I'm not telling. You'll have to read the book to find out. :)

This series is delightful and fun to read. The main character, Junie B. Jones, is your typical first grade girl who has a fun outgoing personality. The things she experiences and shares in her adventures are real experiences our first and some second graders face. I took the AR quiz and only got 80% correct. I need to keep working on my reading comprehension. As of this blogging, there is not a vocabulary quiz for this book.

Organizing for Dummies

Yes, Organizing for Dummies is another book from the well known series, ..... for Dummies. If I wasn't so frugal and cautious, I would have invested in this organization and made a bundle. At any rate, Organizing for Dummies is a quick and easy read. It is not rocket science but is packed with practical ideas on ways to get organized. The picture on the front of the book leads you to believe it's focus is on the physical room but there are organizational tips that apply to running a household as well as an organization (or business).

Like the "for Dummies" series, the book is organized in sections (typically 3-6). This book starts out with a brief introduction, chapter one talks about training your mind, chapter two discusses gathering the right tools and supplies to create a practical system, and chapter three talks about scheduling for maximum productivity.

I really like the "for Dummies" series. They are filled with facts, rich research and a ton of practical ideas. They never claim to be the answer to our problems but they provide an enormous amount of usable information. I have found that these books often times reinforce what I am already doing or painfully remind me I need to change my ways. Organizing for Dummies is a practical book that provides many time tested organizational techniques that can have a positive impact on your professional and personal life immediately.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Mary Shelley was the original author of Frankenstein. As a kid growing up, I saw a variety of movies with Frankenstein but I never picked up the book to read. It wasn't until my son-in-law were having one of our many intriguing conversations about what we were reading or have read when our discussion turned to Frankenstein. Somewhere in our discussion, I told him I wouldn't be interested in the book because its about a monster that was created by a mad-scientist who then kills people. Based upon the Frankenstein movies I watched as a young lad, I had little interest to read the book Frankenstein. My son-in-law assured me that the plot of the book was no where near that of any Frankenstein movie and that the characters in the book had more depth. A week later, Sean bought the book and gave it to me as a gift and assured me I would like the book.

The book sat for some time before I picked it up and cracked the spine. The first few chapters dragged but as the characters developed and the plot thickened the chapters quickly flew by. I found that the "old" language of the 1700 - 1800's slowed me down quite a bit as I read.

As I eluded to earlier, the book was nowhere near any of the movies or built-up impressions I had about Frankenstein. As I read the book, I discovered that the individual who created the living creature from body parts of dead people was actually Mr. Frankenstein. The creature that was brought to life looked hideous mainly because he was created from body parts from a large number of dead or decaying bodies. I also discovered that Mr. Frankenstein was a man who enjoyed learning. I'd say he was borderline obsessive when it came to learning something. Once he set his mind on learning something, he devoted every waking moment uncovering its secret. One of those things he wanted to learn about was what made life. This is what lead him to discover how to create life from death.

Once the monster came to life, Mr. Frankenstein was so offended by its hideousness, he ran away. As time passed, this created creature sought out his creator seeking his acceptance. The creature was rejected by humans and rejected by his creator. The creature then sought out revenge upon his maker to entice him to create a mate who would care for him for who he was. Mr. Frankenstein, the creature's creator, would not concede. Therefore on Mr. Frankenstein's wedding night, the creature killed his wife. Mr. Frankenstein then sought out and hunted the creature in hopes to remove it from the human race.

The last chapters of the book recall the chase. Mr. Frankenstein goes to all ends of the earth (or at least near the northern end of the earth) seeking the monster. Frankenstein dies on a ship up in the Northern Hemisphere. However, before he dies he shares his life story with the captain of the ship. When all is said and done, the story you actually are reading is the life of Mr. Frankenstein as told by the ship's captain.

I really enjoyed this book and will read other classic novels because of this reading experience. Reading this book made me realize how much movies have influenced the way I perceive as well as believe something should be. Lastly, Mr. Frankenstein as well as the creature referred to three books throughout the novel. These three books apparently had a profound effect on the way both Mr. Frankenstein and the creature viewed their world. Those three books were: 1) Paradise Lost, 2) The Sorrows of Young Werther, and 3) Parallel Lives. Incidentally Mary Shelley read these three books prior to writing Frankenstein, thus influencing the development of the characters as well as the plot. In the near future, I plan to read these three books and see how they connect with Frankenstein. In fact, my son-in-law and I will be reading Paradise Lost together over the Christmas break. I'm sure we will have some lively and intriguing conversations. Here's to the journey!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The 4:8 Principal

In 2007 Tyndale House Publishers published The 4:8 Principal. The author, Tommy Newberry, has written several books and is the founder of the 1% Club. His books, speaking engagements and 1% Club utilize the 4:8 Principal to help his readers/clients to maximize their full potential with their family, their personal life, and professional life.

At the core of the 4:8 Principal is the scripture found in Philippians chapter 4, verse 8. It reads as follows:

“Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8, kjv)

The book has been divided up into three simple parts. As you read through each part of the book, you get the impression that Tommy Newberry is either sitting their coaching you or he wrote the book specifically for you. He begins by helping your relook at the world around you. Our personal perception has a tremendous influence on how we interact with the world around us. In part one, the reader is introduced to a new way of thinking.

In part two, Mr. Newberry provides the reader with a new perspective on life. We are not locked into misery but we have the potential to have a life filled with joy. Emotions have a lot to do with joy and/or the lack of joy in our life. Most importantly, we do have the ability to control and/or take charge of our emotional life. Lastly, in part two, we begin to understand that those negative thoughts continue to swirl in our minds due to the fact we encourage them to stay and breed.

Part three, the final three chapters of The 4:8 Principal, reviews ways for the reader to protect and defend your heart and mind from a negative mindset. Mr. Newberry provides the reader with strategies to protect your heart, build a healthy mind, and how to live a life filled with genuine gratitude.

I will be the first to admit, this is not a book I would pick up if I were walking through a book store or a library. Many of these types of books found in a Christian bookstore or in the Christian section at the bookstore are a bit too soupy for my. However, at the recommendation of a dear friend, I borrowed the book to read. I reluctantly picked up the book to read and discovered it was difficult to put down.

The 4:8 Principal was easy to read, written for the layman, simple to understand and highly practical. I loved the way Mr. Newberry utilized Phillipians 4:8 as a filter for one’s thinking. All too often I mumble to myself or to a good friend that I need to rebuild or retrain myself in the ways I think. This book not only provides me with the tools on how to alter the ways I think but it provides me with a multitude of practical ways to constructively change my ways of thinking. There was so much valuable information in this book I plan to read it again in two-four months just to check in with myself and make sure I am still on track for a joy filled life based upon the 4:8 Principal.

Highly recommended, worth the space on your bookshelf, and would be beneficial to a friend.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Chip Wood wrote Yardsticks with parents and teachers in mind. This book is nothing more than a resource for parents and/or teachers who have children ages 4-14.

The first part of the book discusses the developmental issues affecting all children while the second part touches on major developmental considerations. The third part of Yardsticks, in my opinion, is the most valuable. In the third part of the book, there is a chapter devoted to each age level (i.e. 4, 5, 6, 7, etc…). Each of these chapters begin with a memorable quote by a well know figure. Following this quote, words of wisdom from the mouths of children at the specific age represented in the chapter, age appropriate behaviors, and lastly what a parent/teacher should see and/or expect in physical, social and academic realm of the child.

Although this is not a doctorate dissertation, Yardsticks speaks to the reader on layman’s terms. It is easy to understand and a quick read. For those just starting out in field of child development, parenting and/or teaching, Yardsticks is worth your time and the space on your book shelf. However, you have spent years studying child development, have 4-10 children or have taught for a zillion years, this book is not for you. You already know it all. In my opinion, this book is perfect for those who are new to the profession, parenting or simply for those who want a quick refresher course. I enjoyed the read and will put it on my recommendation list.

Victory Secrets of Attila the Hun

Victory Secrets of Attila the Hun by Wess Roberts, Ph.D. was published in1993 by Dell Publishing. This book was the long awaited sequel to Wess Roberts earlier work, Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun. There are a total of eighteen chapters filled with Hun history and words of wisdom to the rising Hun clan. The topics cover ranged from not wasting your energy to dodging arrows to risk-taking can backfire to a few good warriors. Each chapter began with a brief history lesson and ended with Attila the Hun addressing the warriors and/or the Hun clan. The words of advise were always given in bullet form, thus easy to write down, remember and quote.

For the most part, I enjoy reading about leadership. I specifically enjoy reading autobiographies and biographies that have a leadership flavor to them. Victory Secrets of Attila the Hun was a fascinating read for me for three reasons: 1) I knew very little about Attila the Hun and this book contained some interesting history lessons, 2) Wess Roberts was able to use many of the actions of Attila the Hun and apply them in today’s leadership venues, and 3) Attila the Hun was a man of action not just idle words. Although some of the recommendations of Attila the Hun won’t work in all settings, I have an appreciation for the history, the stories and words of advisement.

This is one of those books that have a unique perspective and angle on leadership. Due to its uniqueness, I would recommend both of Dr. Roberts’ leadership books to occupy shelf space in your office. In addition, both of these books are excellent conversation pieces.

The Best Easy Day Hikes in Orange County

The Best Easy Day Hikes in Orange County by Randy Vogel was published by Morris Book Publishing in 1999. This pocket sized booklet is perfect for the novice Orange County hiker. This book provides the reader with a multitude of day hikes that require a minimal amount of physical excursion to hikes that require a great deal of energy. The hikes have been divided up into coastal, foothill and mountain hikes. Some of these hikes are well known areas and others are hidden gems. The booklet is well organized and easy to follow. I plan to use this book as I hike throughout Orange County with my son. As we begin our trek to experience the seven coastal hikes, eight foothill hikes, and nine mountain hikes we will mark off each hike, take scenic pictures, and enjoy hours of conversations.

It was worth the $6.95 plus tax for two reasons: 1) I was impatient and had to buy the book at full price at the bookstore and 2) this book has all of the local hikes that I either previously enjoyed or always wanted to enjoy. Now that I have The Best Easy Day Hikes in Orange County book, I have no excuse to sit around all day Saturday or Sunday because there is nothing to do. My son and I are ready to begin our twenty-four hike journey.

The Last Lecture

Randy Pausch with Jeffrey Zaslow wrote the book entitled, "The Last Lecture". The book has been broken up into six parts and reflects much of what Randy Pausch shared with his audience during a lecture series. In the past, this lecture series was called, The Last Lecture and selected college professors were asked to give a lecture as if it were their "last lecture". Throughout this lecture they would share their wisdom, successes, and council to those who attended the lecture. For Randy Pausch, this wasn't merely a frame to build his lecture around, it was reality. Randy Pausch was diagnosed with Pancratic cancer and given a short time to live. He looks, sounds and acts like your average healthy man but he is on the slippery road to death. Throughout the book, he provides his readers with simple, yet profound advise. This book is one I would highly recommend for men. Randy's comments, humor, humility, and humanity brings the reader to the place where things really matter....the moments we spend with those around us, specifically those we love.

Randy past away during the month of July (2008) and left behind a lovely family and a lasting legacy. He is a man who used his last months on earth to make a lasting impact on his family, friends and those still on earth. Continue to dream and seek to fulfill that dream.

If you have not read his book or seen Randy's lecture on You Tube, I highly recommend it. His book and his last lecture will occupy space on my book shelf, occupy space in my computer, and be shared in my leadership classes. May everyone who encounters his book and/or lecture benefit in a life changing way.