Saturday, December 30, 2017

Finally Back - January 2018

I have taken a break from writing my blog for a variety of reasons:  life got busy,  life got complicated, life became interesting, and life became worth while.  Since 2009, I have given it my best shot at running an elementary school, I became divorced, I was given a new school to run, I remarried an amazing woman, my daughter still talks to me, I get to see my daughter and her family on a regular basis, my son has abandoned me, I have earned my doctorate degree, I have renewed my relationship  with the almighty God, and I am giving it my best in life as a husband, father, step-father, son, dad, and friend.  The books I chose to read have a direct connection to my personal and professional life.  As I write in this blog about the book I will always give a brief summary and then my two-cents.  I need to sit down and write a list of books I want to read over the next two  months.  These books should be personal, professional, spiritual, educational, and children's literacy.  Here's to the  new journey.  I look forward to it.

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