Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Secret

The Secret was written by Rhonda Byrne and has been a popular topic at book clubs, around the water cooler, and on Oprah. Apparently there is also a DVD that promotes the same concepts in this book. The Secret is a self-help type book that promotes positive thinking, name-it/claim-it, and believe and it will happen concepts. The Secret consists of 198 pages and broken up into ten chapters. The chapters are filled with multiple quotes from past and present day masters of the secret. In each chapter, the author will make a statement or elaborate on a key concept within the secret. Then she has a slue of quotes that support her claim. These quotes are mostly from contemporary "secret" masters as well as some from the past.

One thing I did like about the Rhonda Byrne's book was the summaries at the end of each chapter. It was hard to read her book because of all the quotes. Thus, the summaries were extremely helpful because I could get straight to the point of the chapter.

Rhonda begins her book with an introduction to the secret. The secret is simple, yet powerful. The secret is a concept that when it is put into practice, amazing things can and should happen. The concept is this: "Like attracts like." We all have heard of the saying, "You are what you eat." Well, you are what you think, you are what you read, you are what you practice, you are who you hang out with, etc... If you tend to have a negative outlook on life, you will typically attract others who have the same view. Then that is the only world you see, thus, it supports your belief. It becomes a vicious cycle. The opposite is true also. If you have a positive outlook on life, you tend to attract others like that. Then they contribute to your perception of the world and it becomes a more positive place.

This concept is powerful and can be liberating for many; however, when taken at the levels that Rhonda Byrne suggests, I see it as a destructive and harmful concept. First, according to the author, you must truly believe in the secret for it to work. This sets up an easy out for the author when you have applied the secret and it did not work. If I placed my order with the universe (the author suggests you always consult and request from the universe for whatever you want - wealth, relationships, a job, health, etc...), truly believed I will receive it, it will happen. This type of thinking can be beneficial but overall it is destructive. I have heard of individuals praying for a cure, believing they can be cured, and they were cured. That has happened. But, this is not common place. This does not nor will it ever become common practice among every human being. This is where it becomes destructive and even dangerous. There are many people out there who will read this book and take every word of it as gospel. They will believe that if they simply "place their order with the universe" and believe, they will get their wish. I ask, does that mean the blind man will see, the deaf hear, the quadriplegic will walk? What about all the starving, undernourished, homeless children in America or Africa? Can't we "place our order" so they can all be fed, nourished, or provided shelter?

There are certain natural laws that we can not over come because we are not God. All men have been appointed to death. It will happen some day. The exact day or time I do not know, nor do you. Man can prolong life, heal many illnesses, fix broken bones, feed children, and provide shelter. However, there are things (even with the universe's help) we can not do: grow a limb, cure cancer, remove hunger from the world, remove disease from the world, remove war from the world, remove physical ailments from the world, etc...

Can some of these things happen, absolutely! Our God (not the universe) is a great God and is bigger than any of our problems or situations. However, God's purpose for me in my life is not to grant my every wish or demand.

We can make changes, drastic changes, in our personal life through the simple concept of the secret. However, when one takes this concept to it's deepest levels you may get what you want but at a price you never expected to pay.


When ever you read a self-help type book, always realize the author and/or publisher are attempting to SELL you a concept. Typically their product will make everything better, make you happier, make you healthier, make you wiser, etc... However, in order for this to happen, you must buy this book, attend this seminar, subscribe to this club, etc... Always try to approach these self-help type books cautiously and look for the bits and pieces that provide help for you. There is no quick fix to any problem or situation. Everything takes time, energy, effort, and determination. Good luck on your journey.

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